
5... 4... 3... 2...

I'm pretty much packed up at this point, except for a few things I'm keeping out until the last minute (desktop machine, microwave oven, toaster oven). The movers are showing up tomorrow morning. I have a 15' x 10' x 6' tall pile of boxes and furniture in the living room.

Incidentally, I am entering the "fridge points bonus round" (like I did when I left Boston). So... with these ingredients...

I could make something like... um... veggie puck korma?

Hrm... not something I'd want to repeat. But at least it was better than unagi korma...

The plan, incidentally, is to drive from KW to Ithaca on Friday, and Ithaca to Boston on Saturday. I have a few random wrap-up items to keep me busy this week.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger dan said...

What, pray tell, is a veggie puck?

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Bats said...

It is a Crispy Meatless Cutlet--which is, as the website says, "Meatless Cuisine For The Future" ("...they're made of peeeeooooplllleeee!!!!")

For some reason, I felt honor-bound to finish it, rather than throwing it in the trash.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Bats said...

heads of state who ride and wrangle
who look at your face from more than one angle
can cut you from their bloated budgets
like sharpened knives through chicken^H^H^H veggie mcnuggets


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