
The Brown Mountain State

Last Monday was a work trip up to Vermont (West Rutland, to be exact)--about three hours from Boston. A nice drive both ways--although I have to say that this time of year, Vermont is more of a Brown Mountain State than anything else.

After completing my work in the early afternoon, I decided to have a nice slow meander back home--I wasn't going to be very productive, so I thought I'd let myself stop at those spots where I wanted to linger and check things out on the way up. For instance, passing by this piece of machinery in a scrapyard--"WTF is that?!"

Can't say I really figured it out. Apparently, the Traylor company made mills for the mining industry. It looks like the round indentation is a some kind of a ginormous bearing, with babbit surfaces.

I made stops on the way for maple syrup, lunch in Rutland (The Sandwich Shoppe--a thoroughly tasty and unhealthy chili wrap), and a coffee/snack break. Oh yeah, and postcards, of course. A lovely serendipitous find--allechante in Woodstock, VT.

It felt like the area I was driving through was kinda the ski resort/upscale/tourist/yuppie axis of Vermont--looking at the cars going by seemed at times like: "Subaru.. Volvo.. other... Subaru.. other.. Jeep... Volvo... other... Subaru..." There are actually three Subarus in the photo below, but I didn't frame it quite right:

A quick stop at the LL Bean outlet store on the way back, and dropping off maple syrup for my sweetie. A good day.


At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The saying goes that there are two types of Vermont towns: those that know they're cute, and towns that don't know they're cute. Woodstock knows it's cute, and boy don't you forget it. Funny, but growing up I thought you had to say "Woodstock" with a certain emphasis... Sort of like how I say "Wellesley" these days...

Yay Maple Syrup!


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