
The Drugs are Working!!

I've spent the tail end of this week out sick, but I went in on Thursday for a second doctor's appointment. They did another set of tests, including a chest x-ray... conclusion: pneumonia. Which explains why I have been wrecked and feverish for about 2 weeks.

They put me on a five-day course of azithromycin. I'd been writing down my temperature for a few days, so I thought I'd plot it out. Hey... looks like those antibiotics actually work, eh?

Yeah, can't really argue with that. Also, I am no longer waking up covered in a thin layer of sweat, spending the day shivering or roasting, or achey all over.

However, I am still coughing hard enough that I occasionally puke, and when I speak I sound like I have been gargling drain cleaner. But hey, it's a step up, at least.

I'm planning on heading to the office tomorrow. Hope everyone else had a good weekend!


At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *highly* recommend taking it easy about 5 days longer than you think you need to. Especially if you're still coughing violently (which, even if you're not contagious, will still freak out your co-workers).


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