
An Update, an Update...

I realize that I have not posted in about two weeks now; part of this is that my life has been pretty boring (y'know--theese sleep eat drink dream). Also, I suffer from guilt whenever I have the energy to sit down at a keyboard, and don't do thesis writing/edits. However, I've managed to tear myself away for a little while to post an update here...

  • Thesis: I've actually been making pretty decent progress on the thesis for the past two weeks. I've finished off a chapter, did edits on several others, uploaded them to my advisor, and incorporated comments on two other chapters. My plan is to finish the introduction and conclusion this week or so (basically, the end of the draft)--progress is graphed below (current page count around 260--ugh):

    The long gap in November-December was when I was doing the simulation work for Chapter 8; the January gap was my month of conference paper + packing/moving out of the country.
  • Domestic: I've continued to organize the kitchen to my parameters--so far, without me & JMD exploding at each other. Added an outlet and moved the appliances around--there's now a few nice clear stretches of countertop (see my notes about being a 'counter space fascist.')

    As a general note on kitchen organization, I think that having a microwave on a regular countertop is a painful waste of space. First of all, there's no reason that it needs to be at that height, so you're negating your ability to do prep/staging on that surface. Second, microwaves are about 16" deep, vs. a 24" deep countertop. Can't store anything in front of it, or behind it (access). And stuff next to it blocks the vents. I'm a much bigger fan of having the microwave up (e.g., at eye level, like in fast food restaurant prep areas, or a commercial restaurant grill/salamander), or down (underneath the counter). Anyway, I've been taking care of a good chunk of the cooking, given that I'm working from home right now--as JMD has noted. That part has been fun.
  • Social: I've been a bit lame about getting out and seeing folks, now that I'm back in town. JMD and I did go up to visit Bird & Jen in NH this weekend--a fun day trip.

    After lunch, Jen and JMD went out shopping at TJ Maxx, while Bird and I went to Home Depot, and then installed a toilet. Oh yeah--then Jen made dinner. Next up on gender stereotype theater... However, there's a great quote from Click & Clack along these lines that I have to share:

    The truth is, men communicate better when they're grunting and groaning. Most men think—deep down inside—that sharing their feelings makes them sissies. And they don't want to be sissies. So they figure if they're torquing head bolts and repacking wheel bearings, who could possibly question their manhood? So under the hood, they feel free to share their true feelings about things. In fact, if you listen carefully under the hood of a car, you can usually hear two men talking about fear, vulnerability, acceptance, and pure love.

    But my social life is not totally lame. I'm hanging out with some coworkers tonight. And tomorrow, I am going to a live filming/recording of This American Life live in Boston (with Judy, A, & Guy).
  • Work: I have actually committed to heading back to work in a week. I'm actually a bit psyched to get back into the swing of things--and to have a net income, for a change. The office is just outside of Porter Square--a short bus ride down there (or bike ride, once the Minuteman Trail thaws). I have the top floor office reserved for me--pretty friggin' sweet:


At 3:55 PM, Blogger dan said...

I'm not a fan of "under the counter" microwaves; I've had to use them once or twice, and given how much it makes me creak to use them, I'm sure it'll be worse when I'm 50.

I agree with the raised idea, which of course is what we did; it makes ideal space for an under-the microwave knife block and the pile of oil and vinegar bottles.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger j.ho said...

I don't like the microwave up at eye level. When I take my nuked bowl of soup out and it's hot, I would always wind up spilling some on me. Ouch! Plus, we don't use the nuker that much so we opted to put it below counter level and it's working great.

(PS - om my, what an utterly shiteous photos of me. Egad.)

At 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, but what a magnificently geekeous pagecount plot!


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