
Wow. Google is impressive.

Like most of us, I pretty much take Google searches for granted nowadays. But this recent "Did you mean" result impressed me:

Yes, as a matter of fact, I did mean "airport." Type the word, with your left hand shifted on the keyboard one key to the left, so that A -> Caps Lock. That's kinda cool.

Incidentally, I was searching for further information on a CBC story I just heard--they arrested several Pearson airport baggage handlers for stealing cameras, camcorders, etc. out of luggage passing through the airport. Convenient for them that we no longer can lock our luggage due to security searches. Yeesh.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger dan said...

You may have missed the story a while back (while you were in the US?) about how those losers at CATSA apparently didn't bother searching bags at YYZ for a few days last fall because they were too busy doing some union organizing.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Jofish said...

Every airline employee I've ever talked with informally has told me to never check luggage. Friends who work at Heathrow have told me that female employees are in fact prohibited from going 'backstage' where the baggage handlers work, because the company is afraid of suits from harassment by said baggage handlers. And, notoriously, the one time the CEO of British Airways (who had made a series of wage cuts) did check his luggage, a baggage handler crapped in it. Urban myth(s) perhaps, but there's something to be said for carry on when possible.

Frankly, it's pretty dumb to check cameras, camcorders and the like unless you really, really need to and are *sure* your insurance covers it.

Check out this, btw: http://airconsumer.ost.dot.gov/reports/atcr06.htm which is totally up your alley. Nothing on YYZ of course, just US stuff, but fascinating reading. Like don't check luggage flying Delta to the southeast out of Atlanta or DFW.

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Daniel Allen said...

I bet you've seen the argument that everyone should travel with guns because the TSA has more stringent rules for locking them in the baggage department.

In any case, I don't check anything I can't replace for <$500 or whatever paltry amount the airline would pay me. *sigh*


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