
Another 'Duh' Moment

All of my houseguests know how much my shower sucks, and my passionate hatred for it. It is a kluge put together by the former tenant, attaching one of those hose spray/massage showerheads to an old clawfoot spigot. Unfortunately, it means that any adjustment in temperature takes a slow count of ten to get through the hose, and that the pressure fluctuates wildly--every so often, the shower decides to turn to a trickle of cold water.

It only occurred to me recently that I could fit a low flow showerhead to the fitting. I don't know how many of you realize this, but a low flow head actually does a good job of making pathetic water pressure bearable.

Here's the fix. It removes the pressure drop of five feet of hose and the stupid massage spray head that didn't work anyway. Showers are infinitely better now.

The stupididity was that I figured this out with three or four months left to live here. Duh.

As another indicator of my short timer status: I need to buy a pack of coffee filters. A hundred-pack should last me the rest of my time here. Whoah.


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