
Thesis Progress and Hot Lunches

I realize that I have been sparing you updates on my thesis progress lately. Well, I haven't just been going in to Toronto and reading fortune cookies--but those topics are far more interesting to write about.

Last week was a pretty productive week, thesis-wise. I slammed out the Experimental Procedure/Setup chapter. Admittedly, I have written at least of parts of it for several papers and reports, but that's pretty true for most of my thesis. But this week, I feel like I'm somewhat hitting a wall--writing up results and data analysis. Like I said, I've done this before, but it's really not progressing very quickly. I have organized the chapter and have laid out the structure that I'll be fitting everything into. But I find myself spending interminable amounts of time rechecking data, tweaking graphs, or other lower-priority items, instead of bucking down and cranking out pages.

However, I don't really have much right to complain. In any objective sense, my life is pretty idyllic right now--I don't have too many research obligations outside of thesis, I work from home, and I can make myself a nice hot lunch, such as katsudon (Japanese pork chop leftovers cooked up over rice--a really nice comfort food that reminds me of mom's cooking).

Actually, it makes me worry that unlike most thesing students, who feed themselves exceptionally poorly, I take every opportunity to cook nice dinners as a creative outlet (tomorrow night's plan is red lentils with cumin seed, saag paneer, and probably a frozen chapati). It makes me think I'm burning too much time cooking and then cleaning up.

Argh. Sleep now, maybe productivity will strike tomorrow.


At 2:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doood. You should punt by putting the recipes up on Instructables, not least because I want to know how to make some of this stuff.

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second Christy!

I love katsu-don. I used to go to a cheap place near my last job and I'd always get katsu-don. Oh, Bat-sensei, teach me the secrets of katsu-don.

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Bats said...

Heh... nothing too fancy on the recipe--I just did a Google search for 'katsudon recipe' and got this one.

I reduced the recipe for a smaller amount of tonkatsu--I had some leftovers from going out to a Japanese restaurant. I have made tonkatsu before, but not this time.

I only used half an onion and one egg; I sweated the onions a bit beforehand. I used Ajinomoto dashi soup stock--just off the shelf from the asian food store.

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, tonkatsu...I remember tonkatsu...

I hate you all.

[now back to my wheat-free, corn-free, tonkatsu-sauce-free salad]

At 1:02 PM, Blogger Bats said...

Oofdah.... bummer.

If you have an opportunity to visit me before I leave--yeah unlikely--the local bakery has a really kick-ass flourless date square.

At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I usually had hot lunches for my last semester as a thesing grad student. They were lame compared to yours. Great for morale, though. Keep cooking. You can only these so many hours a day.

Hmm. I now have a Blogger display name because I use gmail. Ick.

At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Colleen Abrams said...

Well, eating lunch can really be good to take your mind off the thesis project. A break every once in a while can really be great thesis help desk for people who are having trouble with figuring out what to do with problems in their thesis project.


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