
Another Summer Camp

The main reason for my current leg in Boston is my former company's annual symposium/meeting/party--a.k.a. "Summer Camp." It is both a great time to see colleagues from around the country, learn a few new things, and, well, drink beer and eat good food with other folks in this field. I posted last year about some of the wonderful excesses of the event.

A highlight of camp is the food--one of my industry colleagues enjoys cooking for large numbers of people, so he is "Summer Camp Executive Chef" for that week. One ridiculously extravagant but cool thing this year was the new kitchen: to feed 300 people, they turned the first floor of the rear barn into a commercial kitchen, complete with two six-burner commercial stoves, four refrigerators, two pot wash sinks (complete with overhead sprayers), and rows and rows of stainless steel tables [cute kitchen staff women not included].

It was fun to work in there--I end up volunteering to do knife sharpening and vegetable prep work almost every year. However, with the weather outside over 90 F and the heat from cooking, it was roasting hot in the kitchen. Well, next year, we'll need to remember to bump up the size of the air conditioner back there.


At 6:46 PM, Blogger inkandpen said...

That looks like so much fun.


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