
Random updates; a belated birthday gift

If any of you are wondering about my coworker who had a seizure on the jobsite, he is doing well now. He had an opinion from a second neurosurgeon, and they decided to operate immediately (last Tuesday), instead of waiting three months to let the AVM heal up for a while. So they did a craniotomy (yes, cutting the scalp and opening up the skull... yikes), and removed the growth. And he flew home this past weekend. The entire concept of surgery has always amazed me--take a living organism, cut and rearrange a few parts, stitch it together, and it works better. Think of the degree of random reconnection involved in, for instance, bypass surgery--we're going to take parts of your leg vein, sew it into your heart, and it'll all work. Wow.

He did have some incredibly kind words about me in an email to the rest of the company:

I will say that when I became aware of everything he did in what must have been an extremely stressful situation, I was very, very impressed, and I owe a large debt to K. that I have now idea how I can ever repay. I hope none of you ever has to go through a medical emergency, but if you do, K. is the guy you want with you when it happens.

Anyway, he is now up and about; he can't drive or use ladders (for obvious reasons), but considering that they removed the AVM, chances of any type of recurrence are typically pretty low.

On Monday, I had two very nice deliveries to my door. First of all, my laptop came back from Fujitsu: they replaced the entire mainboard, no charge. They even replaced the touchpad, which was shiny from use. Fujitsu service officially now rocks again, in my book.

Second, I got a belated birthday present from Paramecium Woman (those who know her will know who I'm talking about; those who don't... well... it won't mean anything either way). The photo shows (left to right), a very nice marble, an OXO grinder with flax seed, and a wooden egg.

Wow. What a wonderfully random and entertaining set of things to get on a Monday.


At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would totally agree that you're the guy to have around when you're having a medical emergency. (Isn't that a charming sentiment?)

Hey, I need an update on Paramecium Woman and her contact info, because I haven't talked to her in, um, waaaaay too long. (Like, before crazy-triad-relationship too long.)

Email me? Thanks!

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Bats said...

Hi Beemer!

You got it; her current snail/phone/email is on its way. Just as a brief update, I got to hang out with her the last time I was in the Bay Area (April 2004); she was happily enjoying being done and no longer a graduate student, and was thinking about working retail for a while to extend her period of well-deserved intellectual idleness. However, I have not gotten to catch up with her since then.. :(

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you're in good company, Bats. Stephen King claimed that Harlan Ellison was the person he would prefer to be with in the event of a medical emergency. That was in the introduction to....hmm...one of Harlan's books that's on my downstairs bookshelves. And I'm too lazy to go check out which one.


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