
On a lighter note...

The experimental house that we were working in is a model home, which was decorated by, well, interior decorators. It ends up being almost a caricature of how a 'beautiful magazine house' should be decorated, as opposed to any semblance of a real, human-occupied house.

The worst excess that I found was the pillow proliferation problem, as shown by the photo above. Man... it becomes real work to go to sleep--you need to excavate your bed from under the pillows/cushions. Don't you need another bed to store them while you're sleeping? Hell, there are enough of them there I could probably rack out on the pile of pillow alone. Maybe I have accidentally stumbled upon the strategic pillow reserve: In case of national pillow emergencies, this stockpile is called on to ease the economic shock to the system of a loss of pillows. The pillows are stored by pumping them into underground salt caverns...


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