Birthday Bonus Round
I know that I've covered my birthday to death already... but there were a few items that needed sharing.
First of all, Sarah's grandmother sent me a birthday card. Cool--thanks Gram!
Second, Sarah's parents sent me a birthday package. Among the contents: wine bottle stopper (cool!), a nice Hawaiian shirt (win!), and this adorable picture of my sweetie at age 9:
Besides, "Ohhhh, so cuute!", my reaction was, "Man... I'm lucky to find a gal of this caliber."
Anyway, the last item--a birthday card from Canada... from Dan & Daniel!
And the inside was a pop up card, "It's the Birthday Monster... Chomp Chomp Chomp!"
Heh... that made me smile in a big way. Thanks everyone!
If you're ready to start taking your t shirt design skills to the next level, you can find a free, simple, easy-to-follow Link, Did I mention it's free? Check it out!
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