
Grump grump grump (Thesis Progress)

I had another meeting with my advisor this afternoon, to talk through the modeling work I've been cranking on. It was another productive and good meeting... the good news is that he is ok with my approach. The bad news is that he laid out what still needs to be done, and it's way more than what I can finish in the next three days. Crap. We promised this report to the client before the end of the year, so it looks like I'm going to be working on this material throughout my trip to Boston and Minneapolis. Too bad I couldn't meet with my advisor about a week ago; I needed his input before I could take the next step. He was out of the country then; I sent him some email, but he didn't get time to look at it.

I'm going to a colleague's holiday party tonight. I don't really feel like going to a party. But then again, I don't particularly feel like getting work done either.

[Update 12:08 AM]: Okay, feeling a bit better after the party; good to head out and be social for a while. Even if there were a few of the standard uncomfortable party moments ("Shit shit shit.. what's her name again?"), hanging out, having a few laughs and several drinks was quite helpful. It was an interesting brief overlap with the tribe of Women Who Wear Pointy Toe High Heel Shoes. ("Um, are those going to look as silly as I think they will in five years? And more importantly, are they as uncomfortable as I think they are? How often do you trip over the tips when you're climbing stairs? Enh... wear 'em if you want, but gimme a woman wearin' formal flats any day. Or hikings boots. Rawr.")


At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, Chacos are my answer to any footwear situation. Dress sandals or kayak/hike/bike trips. Or weeding.

Maybe I should have tried to get corporate sponsorship.


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