
First Test Post

Oh no... yet another of your friends has started writing a blog.

I figured that since I was up moving to Canada, I could occasionally post entertaining stories (if any) or odd events for folks to read, and to keep in touch over long distance. Hmmm... basically, I guess this means I'm lazy enough not to want to answer the conversational question, "So what's new with you?"

Anyway, the movers came this morning, and moved everything out of my place in about three hours. It went incredibly smoothly--I was quite surprised. There were just two of them, and one of them was spending half the time doing inventory and marking. It didn't hurt, though, that the other guy was a 6'10" tall former Romanian volleyball player. It was pretty impressive to watch--there's furniture that I can barely get my arms around, that he just can grab like a milk crate and carry down the stairs.

I was thinking of calling this post "move successful," but maybe that's premature. Move-out was successful; there's still travelling to Canada, getting across the border, getting my stuff out of the customs warehouse, and unloading/unpacking. Also, there's the off chance that the whole "moving company" was an extremely elaborate front to steal my stuff . (Hey--at least I won't have to pack it all again).

BTW--no guarantees on how regularly I will be posting; this blog is pretty much started on a whim. We'll see.


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